so I was sent down to LA to shoot attorney Carina Castaneda. Not the most organized assignment I've ever had. The instructions were....shoot attorney Carina Castaneda. Didn't know if the image was gonna be used in a hard news piece, or a B1 personality piece, or for an ad, or column, etc. etc. I didn't even know that the guy writing the piece was scheduled to be there at the same time, OR that he'd brought his OWN photographer. Good job, there, lol. Got to shoot in the courthouse, which was cool, wish i'd had more time for composition and to play around, but i got what i needed, i think. it was also a good opportunity under pressure to figure out what little i know about using my speedlight, lol. i honestly need more opportunities like this to keep me motivated and learning. Nothin worse than screwin up AND lookin bad, ya know?