Friday, October 31, 2008

Mmm, Halloween

Happy Goth Christmas everybody.   If any lil kids are reading this, I hope you're going over your haul with your folks right now, finding out which candies you can chomp on tonight.   If any of you are in SoCal, I hear Kimberly Tia has pop rocks.
I was hoping to spend the day shooting portraits of kids in costumes, but bad weather combined with my laziness nixed that idea.
Above is a photo from my Ghost Story essay, with Austin and Mitsukai.  Shot outdoors, two alien bees and two octaboxes, and a white reflector just to the left and out of camera view.
I should've posted something about my old haunted apartment, but those stories have been heard by just bout everybody.  Anyone reading this want to tell me one of their personal ghost stories?

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