Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mars Attacksploitation!!!!

...told Robert I'd get this up tonight:) From Sunday's shoot with Afua. Can't show you the balls out over the top image yet, cuz I haven't figured out what to do with it. But this one is pretty iconic and a lot of fun:) Afua's wearing a great wig, her sunglasses, a bikini that's too small for her, and cocoa butter, i think. In her hand the Mars Attacks Brain Disintegrator Ray Gun that flashes lights and makes THREE DIFFERENT SOUNDS!!!!
I knew Afua was an amazing physical specimen, but the fact that she was willing to jump whole heartedly into my silliness made her a rare pleasure to shoot.
Lessee, one AB800 to her left, pointed at the backdrop, and one just above and behind the camera, shooting through a white umbrella:)

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