Monday, December 22, 2008


hmmmm, ideally I should load a picture I shot of Attorney Carina Castaneda first, since I did shoot her first, and she was the whole reason for me being sent to LA.
But, uh, I've been working on pictures of Debbie K, my Saturday morning shoot, so that's what ya get at the moment.  Plus, I got to do these great, non-high concept natural light shots of her, so you have no idea how that made my day.  The chance to just sit somebody in front of an open window and just snap away as we talked, was highly rewarding.
Which is good, considering how unrewarding the majority of the trip turned out to be.  Of three models scheduled (and supposedly excited) as of the previous night to shoot at Megafunk's place canceled on me.  I've got a lot I'm holdin in to say about that, but hey, all you other people who I didn't schedule with this can blame them.

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