Wednesday, December 24, 2008

LA trip, pt. 2

so  I was sent down to LA to shoot attorney Carina Castaneda.  Not the most organized assignment I've ever had.  The instructions were....shoot attorney Carina Castaneda.  Didn't know if the image was gonna be used in a hard news piece, or a B1 personality piece, or for an ad, or column, etc. etc.  I didn't even know that the guy writing the piece was scheduled to be there at the same time, OR that he'd brought his OWN photographer.  Good job, there, lol.  Got to shoot in the courthouse, which was cool, wish i'd had more time for composition and to play around, but i got what i needed, i think.  it was also a good opportunity under pressure to figure out what little i know about using my speedlight, lol.  i honestly need more opportunities like this to keep me motivated and learning.  Nothin worse than screwin up AND lookin bad, ya know?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

too much Photoshop

So I photographed my friend Jamie last year.  Like most of my projects,the image was already done in my head, but it's taken me this long to get around to working on it.  I denno why I had the idea of doing an ethereal, ghostlike quality to the image, but here we are.
This thing has PS all over it. 

did I mention

that she's 48? yeahhh, baby!!!!:P

Monday, December 22, 2008


hmmmm, ideally I should load a picture I shot of Attorney Carina Castaneda first, since I did shoot her first, and she was the whole reason for me being sent to LA.
But, uh, I've been working on pictures of Debbie K, my Saturday morning shoot, so that's what ya get at the moment.  Plus, I got to do these great, non-high concept natural light shots of her, so you have no idea how that made my day.  The chance to just sit somebody in front of an open window and just snap away as we talked, was highly rewarding.
Which is good, considering how unrewarding the majority of the trip turned out to be.  Of three models scheduled (and supposedly excited) as of the previous night to shoot at Megafunk's place canceled on me.  I've got a lot I'm holdin in to say about that, but hey, all you other people who I didn't schedule with this can blame them.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

thinking out loud.

Rest in Peace, Bettie Page. 
As a kid and huge comic book fan growin up in the eighties, i had no idea who Bettie Page was.  I just remember these amazing illustrations by this guy named Dave Stevens, comic books about a guy with a jetpack and his girlfriend, Bettie.  I remember finding out that this comic book ideal was based on a real person, a real pinup legend, in fact. I remember her being this huge underground secret...if you knew who Bettie Page was, and you were under a certain age, it was almost a lock that you first saw her in the pages of the Rocketeer.  So, unlike all these other famous models at the time, she seemed like 'our' pinup girl.  Seeing her little magnets and stickers and what have you at the record store years later just affirmed what i already knew, that she was representative of something apart from the mainstream...the subcultures, the weirdos, the geeks...and that the mainstream was finally embracing aspects of those things.  I felt strangely, hey, i was there for her second coming, lol. 
The story about Dave Stevens being the first person to actually take her into a Tower Records to show her a Bettie Page display, to make her realize how iconic her image had become, and how hard he fought to make sure that she got her fair share from all of that, always made me smile.  Inside I'd be screaming, "see?  Some comic book guy, some guy with a pen, some paper, and some imagination....." 
When I got older and started seeing more and more of Bettie's was like buried treasure.  The whole innocence/ sexuality dichotomy.  The campiness and playfulness of her photos. A complete revelation to me.  
Earlier this year, Dave passed away.  His body of work was so relatively thin, that I scour bookstores and pore over the few items that I do have, wishing that an artist that good had been more prolific. 
And now, months later, Bettie herself has passed.  What must it have been like, I wonder, living in quiet obscurity, then to find out a whole world is in love with you, and credit you for inspiring them and setting them off on their own little journeys. 
Dave Stevens and Bettie Page.  Artist and muse. 
I like to think that Dave was up in heaven months ago, churning out these great stories and beautiful drawings.  And that somebody picked up a page and saw this angelic/devilish looking girl and asked 'heyyyy, who's this?' 
"You'll find out," says Dave (in my head).  "You'll find out.....but you won't be ready."